There are three types of IMPACT in SE:
1. Economic Impact: boosts global & inter-sectoral collaborations
Triggers global inter-sectoral networking & innovation in TC and mobility flows between TC and Europe/ AC Increases active involvement of industry partners Consists on fostering innovation Facilitates technological development Transfers knowledge and deploys solutions It may include the impact the project will generate on participating companies in terms of revenues and profits, employment creation, market share, etc.
2. Social Impact: is a positive contributor to MSCA careers and employment for both male and female researchers
Concentrated on the generation of knowledge Involves R&I in developing, supporting and implementing Union policies Applies innovative solutions in industry (including SMEs), and addresses global challenges
3. Scientific Impact: contributes to fertilize advances across disciplines
Consistent fair representation in all the main research disciplines (majority of RISE projects ≥2 fields of science) Includes in particular the promotion of scientific excellence Creates high-quality new knowledge, skills, training and mobility of researchers
These three impacts are tracked with Key Impact Pathways (KIPs) which are divided as: ·
Scientific impact:
o Creating high-quality new knowledge
o Strengthening human capital in R&I
o Fostering diffusion of knowledge and Open Science ·
Societal Impact:
o Addressing EU policy priorities & global challenges through R&I
o Delivering benefits and impact via R&I missions
o Strengthening the uptake of R&I in society
Economic/ Technological Impact:
o Generating innovation-based growth
o Creating more and better jobs o Leveraging investments in R&I