The MSCA-NET project intends to improve, professionalise and harmonise the services of the MSCA NCPs across Europe and globally via trans-national cooperation among the NCPs in order to achieve a consistent level of NCP support. In this respect, the project will provide the MSCA NCPs with different tools, organize events such as trainings or twinnings in order to support you in your everyday work. You can find them listed below.

MSCA-NET tools for your NCP work

MSCA Handbooks

The MSCA-NET project will prepare a handbook for each MSCA calls. These handbooks will provide you with up-to-date tips and tricks on how to ace the MSCA proposals.

MSCA Calls Evolution Guides

The project analysis MSCA calls across the years. In the ‘Evolution Guide’ you find set of graphs with statistical data related to these past calls.


ESR Analysis

This analysis of the Evaluation Summary Reports (ESR) will provide you with information on strengths and weaknesses for PF, DN, Cofund and SE.

Policy Briefs

10 policy briefs will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the EU policy priorities with a focus on the MSCA.

– Supervision Policy Brief (to come)

FAQ Blog

This “Frequently Asked Question” blog gives information, based on the experience of the MSCA NCP.

Matchmaking Platform

The MSCA matchmaking platform brings together fellows, supervisors, etc. You can generate new contact for the upcoming MSCA calls.

Google Group

The google group allows all MSCA NCPs to ask questions and receive answers in a fast and informal way.

Contact for Google Group

NCP Portal

The project Bridge2HE provides an onlinePortal for NCP projects of all domains and is a source of information for trainings and documents.

NCP Portal

Personal Skills Development Plan

Fill in this plan to plan your MSCA NCP expertise and become an MSCA powerhouse.

Personal Skills Development

Guidelines on how to approach the non-academic sector

These guidelines and the set of graphics in ppt format can help you approach the non- academic sector to increase their participation in the MSCA.

MSCA-NET tools for new MSCA NCP

Welcome Package

This Welcome Package will provide you with information on the project and the relevant and useful, hands-on information you will need when you start the job as MSCA NCP.

New NCP Welcome Package

Benchmarking Questionnaire

Complete this questionnaire at the start of your job as MSCA NCP to find out which project tools and services are best suited for your needs.

Benchmarking Questionnaire

Self-Assessment Tool

The self-assessment tool will allow you to test your MSCA knowledge in a fun and playful way.

Self-Assessment Tool

Tips & Tricks Poster

One of the most important activities of you as an MSCA NCP is the promotion of the MSCA programme to your community. With this poster, we’ve selected some key steps and examples for choosing the best way to reach your identified target groups! More examples are available within the materials of the MSCA Meet and Exchange Workshop (available in CIRCABC).

Tips & Trick Poster

MSCA-NET events for MSCA NCPs


6 trainings will be organised during the lifetime of the project on MSCA novelties in Horizon Europe. Training details are announced via the MSCA NCP Google Group.


You can participate in one of the 10 twinning visits that will be organised during the project to meet with MSCA NCP mentors.


Our mentoring activities allow NCPs with different levels of experience and backgrounds to learn from each other.

Trainings on project implementation

3 trainings of the project implementation on the following topics:

– How to be a good supervisor – Cross-cutting aspects (TBC)
– Grant Agreement, CA (TBC)

Training material on CIRCABC

Project Meetings

The project kick-off, mid-term and final meeting will provide you with information on the different project activities and serve as excellent opportunity to network across the MSCA NCP community.

Training material on CIRCABC

MSCA-NET collaboration with stakeholders for NCPs

Synergies with other project and initiatives

One of the tasks of the project is to connect with different networks to (1) raise awareness of MSCA calls (2) and to increase the knowledge of MSCA NCPs. This comprises also the increase of knowledge within 3rd and widening countries. The networks are now identified:

– Bridge2HE

Enterprise Europe Network

The MSCA will be promoted towards the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Sector Groups. An analysis of the SMEs participation in the MSCA during H2020 will be provided together with guidelines on how to approach the non-academic sector for MSCA projects.

Collaboration with EC and REA

The MSCA NCP will have the opportunity to provide inputs for the draft Guides for Applicants for the MSCA.