The list of FAQs, which contains questions for the current Framework Programme (Horizon Europe), is updated with questions taken from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Q&A Blog. Make sure that you visit the blog for the latest FAQs on MSCA.

For MSCA FAQs pertaining to the previous Framework Programme (Horizon 2020) visit the old blog which the project will also update on a regular basis.

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Taking the Work programme (WP) wording as reference: “Implementing partners means third parties receiving financial support from the beneficiary and implementing the MSCA COFUND Doctoral or Postdoctoral programmes” (p.75 of the Horizon Europe MSCA Work Programme). An implementing partner that employs researchers but does not get funding would not strictly fall within the WP definition of implementing partners.

However, if a partner plays an important role in the implementation of the project but does not receive financial support from the beneficiary, the situation will be assessed by the evaluators at the proposal stage. In this case, the partner could still be considered implementing partner and still, partners recruiting researchers and playing a major role in the implementation of the project would need to comply with the specific eligibility conditions (e.g., country eligible for funding). The corresponding EU contribution (researcher-months) should be properly used by the beneficiary in some cost of the project though.

Yes, of course. The letter of commitment must state if Associated Partners contribute financially and how much is this contribution; however Associated partners cannot recruit researchers or receive EU funding, they can only host/ train researchers.

Implementing partners can also contribute financially even though they will receive financial support via the beneficiary.

Yes, as indicated in the GfA (page 9) Associated partners known at the proposal stage must be included under the participants section in the part A of the proposal as well as in the relevant section in the part B2 (section 5).

The applicant shall only fill out this section if relevant, otherwise it can be left blank. There is already a table to be completed for the partners (Implementing or Associated) in part B2.

Both implementing partners and associated partners can provide co-financing. The money for the implementing partners can come from the coordinator, whereas the money for the associated partners has to come from a different source as they can’t receive EU money.

Doctoral Networks

Economic/ technological and Societal impact sub-sections in 2.4 are linked to the (economic) impact. What impact the project results, not only in terms of research results but also in terms of the results of the programme as such (e.g. new concept of training, new approach, etc.).

This section is linked to the European Innovation CAPACITY. It is not focusing on IMPACT (which is strongly linked to the project results) but on CAPACITY or creating critical mass. Thus this section is more linked to the delivery of uniquely trained researchers in a certain topic. This can contribute to the CAPACITY (e.g. next generation researchers that have unique and improved skills and level of expertise compared to the researchers today in and outside Europe, etc.).

For Table 3.1d in case of one researcher with split/ multiple recruitments, the applicant can complete the table only once, listing both/ all recruitments. The same goes for table 1.3a provided that the table is clear and easy to understand and has the information about the two recruitments per fellow.

It would be good to have the eight elements listed on p. 82 of the Work Programme 2021-2022 already in the proposal, however, if the applicants don’t have enough space, REA will add them at the grant agreement preparation phase.

If the fellow was 1) performing their main activity in the lab based abroad and they were physically present there, and/ or 2) they were also residing abroad, then they should be considered eligible for France.

MSCA & Citizens (Night)

The deadlines and procedures are set out in the evaluation result letter. For more information on complaints about proposal rejection:

Postdoctoral Fellowships

If the same tasks and objectives are planned at both places it would be strange to put one as a ‘short visit’ and the other one as a ‘secondment’. The applicant should clarify if there is real interest from the supervisor to host for two months, otherwise, it will jeopardize the project plan. Or they have to change the objectives to fit a real short stay.

Yes, a secondment to the JRC is possible in the 2022 MSCA PF Call.

The change would be implemented from the time the allowance is or is no longer eligible according to the documentation. So if the divorce comes into force on 1September, then that is the month the researcher is no longer eligible for the family allowance.

Yes, if the situation of the researcher changes, the Family Allowance can become ineligible. If the relationship is no longer bound through marriage/ other legal agreement, then they are no longer eligible to receive the allowance.

The researcher is obligated to inform of this change of situation if it occurs.

Yes, it is possible to split the secondment, both in different periods and at different entities. It should always be planned so that it makes the most sense regarding the project and the researcher, e.g. they should consider if a very short secondment will give them the added value of a network.

Staff Exchanges

All participating organisations should be added, either as “beneficiary” or “associated partners” (including both the associated partners and the associated partners linked to a beneficiary). Applicants would declare the main beneficiary as beneficiary/participant and the associated partner linked to this beneficiary adding both as partners by clicking on the button “Add Partner”. For more information please see FAQ n 18851.

Applicants should list the secondments between beneficiaries that are considered interdisciplinary. This table will be used to help determine the eligibility of the secondments. Applicants can provide an additional table for interdisciplinary secondments with associated partners, or just discuss them in the text.

There are two ways to address this aspect: – Institutions can add PM in both Work packages but they have to explain that those are in-kind and are not related to secondments as such, as these will not be eligible. OR – Institutions can indicate two levels of PM: secondments PM (supported through project funding) and total PM spent on project (just indicative), and make a clear distinction between the two categories.