The list of FAQs, which contains questions for the current Framework Programme (Horizon Europe), is updated with questions taken from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Q&A Blog. Make sure that you visit the blog for the latest FAQs on MSCA.

For MSCA FAQs pertaining to the previous Framework Programme (Horizon 2020) visit the old blog which the project will also update on a regular basis.

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There is a template for the budget structure with listed categories on p. 9 of the project proposal template. The budget will depend on the proposed research training programme.

There is no minimum or maximum requirement. It all depends on the research training programme being proposed; the evaluators will then assess the feasibility and credibility of the proposed budget.

The number of researchers is not equal to person months. There is a certain number of researchers, then a researcher will have a fellowship with a certain duration. The duration of the individual fellowship multiplied by the number of researchers will give the number of person months. Example: the duration is 48 months and there are 21 researchers, we multiply and have a total of 1008 person months, and this number multiplied by the unit cost which is 2800 euros in the case of the Doctoral programme gives an EU contribution of 2,8 million euro.

Yes. Researchers recruited by implementing partners shall be included in the number of researchers recruited by the beneficiary.

Yes, the applicant can leave it blank or use if relevant.

Doctoral Networks

The reference identifier in the researchers table in part A of the proposal corresponds to a unique code that a researcher can use to easily identify him/ herself and his/ her work. There is a breakdown menu where the researcher can select the preferred type of identifier (ORCID ID (commonly used to refer to all publications of an author…), Researcher ID, others).

There are no such templates beyond the standard consortium agreement template, such as the one provided by DESCA (

The number of funded DN projects from the reserve list is normally lower than these from the PF reserve list.

“Multiple recruitment” means that the researcher has several work contracts during the fellowship. For example, during the first half of the fellowship they have a contract with a company and then during the rest of the fellowship, with a university.

Applicants may describe the network organisation in one and up to two pages, for sections 4 and 5 together, based on the consortium size and complexity, and/ or they have a full programme to implement the Green Charter and yet, there is no limit – they could elaborate as much as they want.

MSCA & Citizens (Night)

The deadlines and procedures are set out in the evaluation result letter. For more information on complaints about proposal rejection:

Postdoctoral Fellowships

The legal status that the EC has assigned to the organisation during the validation process has to be checked on the Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal.

In addition, please note that non-academic placements can only take place in EU MS or HE AC, as clarified on p. 11 of the MSCA PF 2022 Guide for applicants.

Applicants can download the editable proposal templates by starting submission – it is not necessary to register the proposal, immediately at first step there is a button ’Download Part B templates’.

In the actual Part A of the European Fellowship proposal, there is no confusion. The PDF template has the Global Fellowship version of the budget table. In the submission system, European Fellowship applicants have the correct version.

This is an institutional decision of the organisation where the supervisor is meant to be recruited by the time the project starts: if it is possible for them to have somebody not employed acting as staff in a European project.

If the answer is yes, then the applicant should go ahead with that institution, they can include the information on the institution’s infrastructure and capacities.

If the answer is no, then the applicant should include information on the institution where the supervisor is recruited at present. In that case, if a change of host has to be asked for, it should happen at GAP stage.

Having in mind that the supervisor is the official contact for the beneficiary in the project proposal, another solution is that the applicant includes someone else as the main contact/ supervisor, for example head of the lab/ institute, and list the other one as co-supervisor. From the point of view of a reviewer, the fact that the actual supervisor is not yet employed by the organisation is a potential risk. It would make the proposal stronger, if the employment contract were already signed (with a future start date), or there would be something else in place to ensure that the person is employed by the start date of the project at the latest.

Yes, PACS is considered as an equivalent status to a marriage in France.

Staff Exchanges

All participating organisations should be added, either as “beneficiary” or “associated partners” (including both the associated partners and the associated partners linked to a beneficiary). Applicants would declare the main beneficiary as beneficiary/participant and the associated partner linked to this beneficiary adding both as partners by clicking on the button “Add Partner”. For more information please see FAQ n 18851.

Applicants should list the secondments between beneficiaries that are considered interdisciplinary. This table will be used to help determine the eligibility of the secondments. Applicants can provide an additional table for interdisciplinary secondments with associated partners, or just discuss them in the text.

There are two ways to address this aspect: – Institutions can add PM in both Work packages but they have to explain that those are in-kind and are not related to secondments as such, as these will not be eligible. OR – Institutions can indicate two levels of PM: secondments PM (supported through project funding) and total PM spent on project (just indicative), and make a clear distinction between the two categories.