The list of FAQs, which contains questions for the current Framework Programme (Horizon Europe), is updated with questions taken from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Q&A Blog. Make sure that you visit the blog for the latest FAQs on MSCA.

For MSCA FAQs pertaining to the previous Framework Programme (Horizon 2020) visit the old blog which the project will also update on a regular basis.

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Yes, this is possible. The European Commission has decided not to engage into further cooperation projects with Russian and/or Belarussian entities, but this does not concern individual researchers from these countries. As long as they are not targeted by any sanctions, they can be recruited in projects. Russian nationals could also apply and receive MSCA PF. However, a challenge may be the various countries’ immigration regulations, which have to be carefully considered.

It depends on the budget categories proposed by this concrete COFUND programme. Most of the programmes have the same allowances, offering an allowance to cover the costs of research, training and management activities, but not all). The fellow should ask their project manager about it.

There is no such restriction for COFUND.

Yes, it’s acceptable. The contributions can be financial or in-kind, but they must be detailed and reassured via letters of commitment from the concerned institutions (mandatory for associated partners and highly encouraged for implementing partners). It will be up to the evaluators to assess it.

Some implementing partners should be known and in this case the description should be given at the institutional level.

Doctoral Networks

Evaluators are instructed to strictly stick to the evaluation criteria, and REA are closely monitoring that. Please note that if such a construction weakens the proposal in any way, according to the evaluation criteria, then it will be penalised under this criterion.

There is no concept of ‘affiliated entities’ in DN, there is the concept of associated partners linked to a beneficiary, whereby there was a pre-existing link between the associated partner and the beneficiary, not created for the purpose of the proposal. Their eligibility is linked to the eligibility of the beneficiary to which they are legally linked.

The institutions involved would be aware of their status as validated by the EC validation services when they get their final PIC.

A helpful list is that of the members of EIROforum:

In such cases, they should be included as “simple” associated partners, and the link should be described in parts B1 and B2.

In such cases, they should be included as “simple” associated partners, and the link should be described in parts B1 and B2.

MSCA & Citizens (Night)

The deadlines and procedures are set out in the evaluation result letter. For more information on complaints about proposal rejection:

Postdoctoral Fellowships

It is recommended that at first there is an effort to ensure that the outgoing host respects the agreement – especially if they signed a partnership agreement with the beneficiary. For the amendment it is necessary to have evidence that the beneficiary has at least attempted to make it work before they propose the amendment. Also the researcher should properly document the shortcomings.

Brief information should be provided in part B1 and more details should be provided in part B2.

Secondments are not encoded as an associated partner. They should be declared in the specific question at the end of Part A, and detailed in Part B. This is reflected in the structure of the participants’ information in the submission wizard: • EF: possibility to encode one host organisation and one associated partner (which is only used in case of a placement) • GF: possibility to encode one host organisation and two associated partners (one mandatory, as outgoing phase host, and one optional in case of a placement).

Unfortunately, REA cannot intervene to alter a submitted proposal after the call deadline. However, if after the evaluation the proposal reaches the funding threshold, the beneficiary can further discuss to clarify the secondment issue during the Grant preparation (GAP) with the Project Officer assigned to the proposal.

There is no need to submit a separate application for the widening call. This is the procedure, as described on p.56 of the Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area Work programme 2021-2022: “In order to apply for the ERA Fellowships call, applicants need to submit their proposal to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021. To be eligible to this call the host organisation must be located in an eligible widening country. The application to the (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021 will be automatically resubmitted to this call in case the proposal fails to reach an adequate place in the ranking to be funded. This simplified submission procedure to the ERA Fellowships call presents applicants moving to Widening countries with an additional funding opportunity but there is the possibility to opt out during the application stage.”

Staff Exchanges

Timesheets and declarations are not requested in MSCA projects (contrary to other Horizon Europe actions based on actual costs). To prove that the researcher worked on their MSCA project, it is sufficient to present a contract with the host institution together with additional documents proving the fellow’s dedication to the project, if needed.

Moreover, declarations are not allowed by the auditors. REA has confirmed that the declaration on exclusive work is not applicable for audits carried out in MSCA ITN, IF and COFUND actions to determine time spent working on the action. It is expected this will continue in Horizon Europe.

As outlined in the H2020 Indicative Audit Programme, such evidence may include lab books, attendance lists, conference abstracts, library records, travel expenses, timesheets, reports to supervisor, meeting minutes, e-mail exchanges, etc. and other open sources (e.g. the internet) to see if the researcher worked on activities other than their  project. The auditors will also look at the researcher’s employment contract or corresponding agreement to see if it complies with Article 32 of the H2020 Annotated Model Grant Agreement, including but not limited to the obligation that the researcher works exclusively for the action.

Fellows need documentation in the form of a contract that shows the 50% commitment or something similar since MSCA does not typically operate with timesheets.

Organisations can only encode secondments that are eligible for EC funding. So organisations could encode the secondments going to the UK, but not those from the UK to a beneficiary. It is the dates included in the mobility declarations (previously researchers’ declarations) which are used for financial reporting.  

The researcher is eligible to participate, the change of status does not affect their eligibility.

The UK partners will be funded with the UKRI Horizon Europe Guarantee, in line with the original budget line. They will no longer be able to be included as a beneficiary but will need to become Associated Partners (APs).  Secondments to UK APs from Member States (MS) and/ or Associated Countries (AC) will be funded by the EC as originally foreseen in the proposal. Secondments from UK APs to MS/ AC/ other APs will be funded via UKRI, in line with the budget line and secondment plan in the proposal. Secondments from another AP to the UK will also be funded via UKRI.