The list of FAQs, which contains questions for the current Framework Programme (Horizon Europe), is updated with questions taken from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Q&A Blog. Make sure that you visit the blog for the latest FAQs on MSCA.

For MSCA FAQs pertaining to the previous Framework Programme (Horizon 2020) visit the old blog which the project will also update on a regular basis.

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No % required for matching funds so it is up to the applicant to determine how much they will contribute to the total funding pot acknowledging that the EU funding will only cover the minimum remuneration required for the researchers.

Applicants can either require in the eligibility conditions that a candidate is from an under-represented group, or alternatively they can say that anyone can apply, but the evaluation criteria should include a statement of how the fellowship will boost diversity in this broad science field. It depends on the aims of the proposed programme. In case the eligibility conditions should be stricter, again it needs to be justified. The MSCA mobility/ eligibility conditions must be respected in all cases.

It is possible but it needs to be well justified in the proposal so that evaluators see the pertinence/ relevance/ added value of the proposed programme. There have been a few programmes focusing at specific target groups in the past. Examples:

Rosalind Franklin Fellowship Cofund Programme

REinforcingWomen In Research


If the fellow was 1) performing their main activity in the lab based abroad and they were physically present there, and/ or 2) they were also residing abroad, then they should be considered eligible for France.

It is unlikely to have ethical issues identified for COFUND at the proposal stage (at least in most cases), given that the research is unknown in most cases, so the ethics issues would appear as ‘’NO’’ in the majority if not all cases. The part referred to in part A is for the applicant to explain the issues they have ticked “YES” in the table. Part B is very relevant for COFUND, as REA wants a detailed description of the ethics procedure to be carried out in order to identify ethics issues (if any) and how to follow up on them giving that at the proposal stage they are normally unknown.

Doctoral Networks

PhD enrollment is now mandatory also for DN Standard, so doctoral candidates should have the necessary degree that allows them to be enrolled in a PhD.

Absolutely, there can also be multiple recruitments for DN Standard, provided that each contract is minimum 3 months (and maximum 36 months). The mobility rules only apply to the first recruitment.

In such a case, the fellow can be enrolled in a PhD programme at the second faculty which must be added as an associated partner or an associated partner linked to a beneficiary.

Unfortunately, it is not possible for the 2021 call, this set-up will be further discussed at Commission level and may be implemented in the future.

REA prefers that beneficiaries signing the GA are WP leaders. The consortium must have the technical resources needed to carry out the project (so-called ‘operational capacity’). In that regard, the work should be done primarily by the beneficiaries themselves but if needed, they may involve other partners and rely on outside resources (including involving Associated Partners). The fact that beneficiaries retain responsibility towards the granting authority and the other beneficiaries when relying on affiliated entities and other participants (including Associated Partners) does not preclude that an Associated Partner that implement action tasks may appear as work package leader for these tasks. In any case, the operational capacity must be demonstrated in the proposal and be available at the moment of the implementation of the work. Its assessment is performed on a case-by-case basis.

MSCA & Citizens (Night)

All Open Science aspects are moved under Excellence in the methodology. Open Access should not be described under Impact and Dissemination as it is assessed under Excellence.

This requirement should be applicable to beneficiaries and not to associated partners.

For calls with deadlines in 2022 and beyond, once a project proposal is selected for funding following evaluations, consortium partners concerned by the eligibility criterion will have until Grant Agreement signature to confirm they have a GEP in place.

For calls with deadlines in 2022 and beyond, once a project proposal is selected for funding following evaluations, consortium partners concerned by the eligibility criterion will have until Grant Agreement signature to confirm they have a GEP in place.

This is mainly for statistics purposes.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

If the same tasks and objectives are planned at both places it would be strange to put one as a ‘short visit’ and the other one as a ‘secondment’. The applicant should clarify if there is real interest from the supervisor to host for two months, otherwise, it will jeopardize the project plan. Or they have to change the objectives to fit a real short stay.

Yes, a secondment to the JRC is possible in the 2022 MSCA PF Call.

The change would be implemented from the time the allowance is or is no longer eligible according to the documentation. So if the divorce comes into force on 1September, then that is the month the researcher is no longer eligible for the family allowance.

Yes, if the situation of the researcher changes, the Family Allowance can become ineligible. If the relationship is no longer bound through marriage/ other legal agreement, then they are no longer eligible to receive the allowance.

The researcher is obligated to inform of this change of situation if it occurs.

Yes, it is possible to split the secondment, both in different periods and at different entities. It should always be planned so that it makes the most sense regarding the project and the researcher, e.g. they should consider if a very short secondment will give them the added value of a network.

Staff Exchanges

Associated Partners are entities, which participate in the action, but without the right to charge costs or claim contributions. They contribute to the implementation of the action, but do not sign the grant agreement. They must include a letter of commitment. Therefore, in SE they could send and host secondments, but they cannot claim costs.

Yes, the type of link and the activities of the Associated partners linked to a beneficiary should be indicated in Part B, and they will be assessed as part of the evaluation.

It depends because some proposals can be very similar, for instance in the case of resubmission; and others are not quite similar, but they are still considered similar, for instance in the case of continuation. Even if the applicant mentions that a similar proposal has been submitted, this will be checked very carefully by REA. If after checking REA sees it is not the case, they will not consider it to be similar.

On the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal there is a possibility to find interested associated countries or member states, it depends on the exchange. In case of an exchange between a member state and an associated country (a beneficiary and a 3rd country part), one can find whatever organisation. There however cannot be any exchange between two associated partners.

The list of organisations is in form A. REA avoids including the list of organisations at the beginning of part B. All participating organisations in SE projects need to be included in part A, which is the predominant list of beneficiaries and associated partners.