Available opening for doctoral network in Germany

Organization Name / Department
Leipzig University, Working group “E-Mental Health”
Organization Short Name
Website of the organisation
Organization Type
Higher Education Institution
Research Fields
Life Sciences (LIF)
Sub-Fields / Keywords
Mental Health, e-Mental Health
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action(s) of interest
  • Doctoral Networks
Short Description of Your Project Idea/ Expertise offered to potential project partners/ Looking for specific expertise from potential project partners
We are looking for academic or industrial partners to join the 2024 MSCA Doctoral Networks Call or to join a consortium working on any EU grant application in the field of E-Mental-Health. As head of the working group “E-Mental Health”, Prof. Rummel-Kluge has over 10 years of extensive experience and expertise in the field of “E-Mental-Health” and international research project management. This includes development, scientific testing, implementation and clinical/practical use of e.g. online programs, apps, VR and chat, most recently for younger populations in school and higher educational settings, but also for outpatient with a broad range of psychiatric disorders.
We have conducted and lead studies on online programs and internet usage behavior of patients with mental illnesses with several hundred patients, in which programs were tested for their applicability and effectiveness. Prof. Rummel-Kluge has supervised 27 graduated PhD students at Leipzig University, leading to over 50 publications in the field of depression and e-mental-health.
Short Description of the Organization / Department
The Medical Faculty of the University of Leipzig is the largest educational institution for students of human medicine, dentistry and midwifery, as well as the only one for pharmacy in the whole of the state of Saxony, Germany. With its approximately 50 institutes, independent departments and clinics, Leipzig University Medicine is one of the largest institutions in Germany. Leipzig University Medicine benefits from cooperation with (inter)nationally renowned academic and non-academic research institutions. The working group “E-Mental Health” was established in 2015 and conducts several research projects in the field of online interventions for young adults and adolescents. Prof. Christine Rummel-Kluge is head of the Psychiatric Institute Outpatient Clinic of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychiatry of the University of Leipzig as well as the special outpatient clinic for obsessive-compulsive disorders, schizophrenia, depression and peripartum psychiatric disorders.
Previous Related Projects / Research Experience
1) Evaluation of a chat-based counseling service for children and adolescents “krisenchat.de”: In the context of this project, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the krisenchat.de counseling service is conducted. In addition, other aspects such as the acceptance of the service and user satisfaction are examined.
2) Pro-Head (2018 – 2022), https://www.prohead.de: ProHEAD stands for “Promoting Help-seeking using E-technology for ADolescents” and provides online support for promoting health, preventing mental health problems, and seeking professional help in children, adolescents, and young adults. Prof. Christine Rummel-Kluge led a sub-project on an RCT providing online support for adolescents with subclinical depressive symptoms 3) Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees/Cotutelle, 2021/22 – Federal University of Parana, Brazil and University of Leipzig, Germany (2021- 2024): “Mental health promotion in Brazilian graduate students: online support group in a pandemic context” is a project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) by PhD student Aneliana da Silva Prado, M.Sc., supervised by Prof. Christine Rummel-Kluge and Dr. Elisabeth Kohls
4) enhance (2021-2024), https://enhance-university.de/: “Mental health in the context of digitalization processes at universities”, led by Prof. Christine Rummel-Kluge – a research project that aims to address and strengthen the mental health of university students. “enhance” is an online psychological support service to promote the mental health of students and is being carried out as part of research project by the University of Leipzig, funded by the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism. The project also includes a large-scale survey on university students’ mental health and attitudes towards online interventions.
Main Collaboration Partners
Any country eligible for EU funding.
Contact Person / Position in the Organization
Prof. Dr. Christine Rummel-Kluge