The objective of PFs is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. The PF targets researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers.

MSCA-NET Documents for your application

PF Handbook

This document provides you with up-to-date tips and tricks on how to ace your MSCA PF proposal.

PF Evolution Guide

This document presents statistical data related to the PF call HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01 closed on 12 October 2021.

MSCA-NET Platforms to find a Host Institution for your project

Matchmaking Platform

The MSCA matchmaking platform brings together fellows, companies, supervisors, etc. You can generate new contact for the upcoming MSCA calls.

MSCA-NET Matchmaking Platform

MSCA-NET support for your application

FAQ Blog

This “Frequently Asked Question” blog provides you with important information on the MSCA, based on the hands-on knowledge and experience of the MSCA NCP .


National Contact Points

In order to get support in your project country, find the MSCA National Contact Points who are looking Forward to support you.


Self-Assessment Tool

The self-assessment tool will allow you to test your MSCA knowledge in a fun and playful way.

Self-Assessment Tool
Important links:

  • The MSCA PF page on the official website of the European Commission.
  • The Funding and Tenders Portal, the single entry point for participants in all funding programmes and tenders managed by the European Commission.
  • EURAXESS, a pan-European network run by the EC, provides practical support to researchers and their families as they relocate for work. All available job postings in the framework of MSCA projects are published on EURAXESS Jobs.
  • MSCA-PF Eligibility calculator, a free tool that assists researchers in determining their eligibility when applying to the PF.